Friday, October 07, 2005

Al Gore's BEAUTIFUL critique of Television!!!

Calls it re-feudalization.
Gore is a brain. Mmmm.


Unknown said...

Gore doesn't know what he's talking about. I'm no political conservative... most of the time... but Gore is oblivious. The "marketplace" is doing just fine, especially in this information age.

Christopher said...

My thought is that Al is right that TV is destroying the market place of ideas, now things like blogs/websites and other independent media is a different story.
I would think you'd have to agree that CNN/FOX don't do justice to the wide swath of ideas throughout this country. CNN does nothing except give us stories about two toed kittens and celebrity marriages. Fox on the other hand gives us nothing except Republican soundbites. The choice is info-tainment or propaganda.

Unknown said...

To some extent... but the fact is that t.v. and radio is biased and always has been, whether right or left there's no such thing as an objective observer.