Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The books I got from Spring Harvest

You may ask, what caused Chris to give up a week of vacation time to work at a Christian book store? For one I was excited about the idea of going to Spring Harvest, and I was intrigued by the idea of working at a book shop (after all I’m a bookworms bookworm). But the other incentive was 75 quid worth of books! And here is what I got.
Gods Politics, by Jim Wallis
A Generous Orthodoxy and The Church on the Other Side, both by Brian McLaren
John Calvin: His Life and Influences, by Robert L. Reymond
Simply Christian, by Tom Wright
The Christian Handbook (by Augsburg Books, this was the only book I found at the shop by a Lutheran Publisher)
Pastors under Pressure, by James Taylor
Velvet Elvis, by Rob Bell
Emergingchurch.intro, by Michael Moynagh
And The Gospel According to Tolkien, by Ralph C. Wood
As you may have noticed a lot of the books are about the Emergent church. The Emergent church is a movement that is big in the UK and is starting to catch on in the States. I don’t know what to think about them, their opponents hurl all kinds of attacks against them, one has even said they are too Lutheran, so I want to decide for myself what they are up to. Beyond reading the books I intend to find an Emergent Church and go there sometime, be it in Cambridge or the heart of London.

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