Friday, September 17, 2004

Bush's guard days, and Kerry's cellphone salvation

And Kerry's cellphone salvation
So, first off Bush is keeping guardsmen (people if you aren't looking at it Christologically) in the guard even though they are not actually helping to combat terrorists. And, Kerry could be winning, the polls don't interview people with cell phones.


TKls2myhrt said...

Thanks for the link to the NewsDay article. I get the Zogby poll emails and answer them faithfully. I always wondered who else gets those emails and how they got my email address. Sounds like email polling might be the future of polls.

Christopher said...

Being that I lived on a millitary base in Brussels for three years, and seeing as FE Warren looms large over Cheyenne I understand guardsmen replace troops in normal rotation elsewhere. The part I have problem with is that Iraq isn't part of the War on Terror, but instead a whole seperate venture. Or as William Saletan puts it,

"What does Iraq have to do with the "national emergency" declared by Bush in 2001? Nothing. The 9/11 commission found "no evidence" of "a collaborative operational relationship" between Iraq and al-Qaida. Four days ago, U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell reaffirmed, "I have no indication that there was a direct connection between the terrorists who perpetrated these crimes against us on the 11th of September, 2001, and the Iraqi regime."