Sunday, August 16, 2020

Do you really mean it, Jesus?


Do you really mean it, Jesus?


          Do you really mean it, Jesus? All those ancient prophecies, putting us on equal footing in the face of God.

          The ideals of old Isaiah, wrapping us all in God’s soft blanket of care and delivering us to the door
—everyone who was in Exile, welcomed home
—Judahites, yes, but Ammonites and Moabites as well!
Assurites, Akkadians, Egyptians, Cyprians, Sidonese and all the residents of the Syro-Hittite city states
—all of them… all of us,
Joining together in worship,
Bound together in love and community,
covenant and keeping of the commandments.

          The Judahites returned to Jerusalem after a generation,
opening up the long locked door and saying, “Hey look, we brought along some friends!”

          Isaiah imagines a highway from world center to world center
—Egypt to Babylon, with all roads leading to Jerusalem.

          Similarly, Isaiah writes of a river running through the heart of the city of God, bringing all people in
—into covenant and community.

          The ideals of your prophets… Do you really mean it, Jesus?


          Do you really mean it, Jesus? Bread enough, and some to spare?

          You’ve been, after all, obsessed with bread
—Bread in parables,
bread multiplied,
bread as metaphor spoken by the Messiah,
words hid and then explained to his Disciples
—bread enough.

          Do you really mean it? Because, if you do, then listen to me when I ask for help…
Listen to me when I bring my daughter and her demons to you.
Listen to me when I ask, I ask only for crumbs.

          Do you really mean it, Jesus?


          Jesus, do you really mean it? Is there enough holiness to go around?

          Does defilement come from within or without? What about blessings, do they work the same way?
If belonging to the community of God is not predicated on perfect purity, but what proceeds from the heart
then you gotta hear me out!

          I believe you are displacing defilement with holiness
—your presence, O Savior, Sanctifies…
isn’t that what your Kingdom of God is all about, Jesus
the ongoing, rolling expansion of the reign of God
—the presence of God is experienced when you are with us
—so… do you really mean it, Jesus?
Are you with us? Will you be with us? Oh Lord, Son of David, Shepherd of the lost sheep,
seek me too—bring me in as well, accept this daughter as your own!

          Jesus, do you really mean it?


          Do you really mean it, Jesus? That I have faith enough.

          I guess, what I’m really asking is, do you hear me when I ask, when I plead.
Are you faithful?
Do I gotta push you to fulfill your promises, to keep the faith?

          Or perhaps, this pushing,
this hustling for healing and kneeling and praying for care,
is a type of faith
—the only faith we got, even.

          Perhaps Luther is right
—prayer is rubbing God’s promises is God’s ears
—reminding you continually of your faithful promises, and in so doing
transforming my own faith,
allowing me to trust in you…

          A faith that you eventually recognize
—you look and you say something you didn’t even say of your disciples, with their little faith
—you say, “Woman, great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you wish.”

          O’ Jesus, sweet savior of mine—do you really mean it?


          You do really mean it
—The promises of the prophets hold enough water.
The bread of life… it isn’t limited—there is enough.
The Holiness of God, there is enough to go around!
The deep yearning faith is enough, and God is trustworthy.