The New Jersey Synod had our annual
Synod Assembly, a gathering of ELCA members from congregations throughout the
state of New Jersey. There we worshipped, attended break out sessions with
useful programs and information to take back to our congregations, heard
reports on what has happened in the Synod in the last year, and charted a
course for the coming year.
One of the thing ways we do this
last thing is by passing Resolutions and Memorials. There were four total this
year, including one by yours truly, which passed!
It reads as
Whereas, the 2016 Presidential election was very contentious;
Whereas, this partisanship has slipped into congregational and synodical life;
Whereas, we are called to love one another;
Whereas, in Christ there is no east nor west, north nor south;
Therefore Be It
-the New Jersey Synod will continue
to be a community for moral deliberation, navigating the present political
realities as faithfully as possible;
-Congregations of the New Jersey
Synod are encouraged to endeavor to be places where partisans may remain one in
-Members of the New Jersey Synod are
encouraged to enter into difficult conversations with people with whom they
Submitted Pastor Chris Halverson, St.
Stephen South Plainfield
I’d planned on introducing it when
debate over the Resolution began, but by then all 4 microphones were filled
with people, so I just let things ride for a while.
That said, if I had introduced it, I
would have said something like the following:
I introduce this resolution with a
pastoral intent.
If you are a
pastor here, raise your hand.
If your
ministry has been affected by the 2016 election keep your hand up.
The 2016 election has heightened
partisanship to such an extent than nearly nothing is non-partisan today. This
reality is deeply felt in the congregations of this synod as well; look no
further than the
memorials and resolutions before this assembly today.
-Over half a
decade ago the ELCA passed a statement on Church
in Society and we covenanted together to be communities of moral
deliberation. Our social messages
and statements
call us to be a church engaged with the world as it is, in a public way. We are
also called to engage with each other, even when we disagree. Having difficult
conversations is not a new thing for us, we’re
equipped for it. Our current political crisis calls for people like us to
be who we are.
-I always
remember the time my campus Pastor back in Eugene, Oregon, Pastor Kegel, smiled
and actually kinda giggled while giving me Holy Communion. I later asked him
what that was about.
I’d not
noticed it, but the head of the College Republicans was kneeling not two feet
from me, an active member of the College Democrats. We’d verbally jousted the
day before in a ruckus campus debate, but then we both knelt at the same altar,
fed by the same Bread of Life. Would that we always find our way to that altar,
our baptism into Christ greater than any other identity we may have.
-What would
it look like if we here in this assembly, and the congregations we represent,
were to model difficult conversations to our neighbors? What if we could be
salt and light—clarifying political beliefs? What if we could be seed, growing
up through the hard ground of the present and bearing a fruitful future? What
if we could be leaven, transforming the flatness of the present into a
bountiful feast?
What if, in short, we could be the
Church for this time and place, repairing the breach that has so completely
split our nation?