here we are… another Lent, so late this year that we were lulled into a false
sense of security and it managed to sneak up on us.
we are—on the precipice, ready to follow Jesus down the mountain and head to
we are—shaping our lives into a unique holy time through a 40 day focus on
Alms, Fasting and Prayer.
Using ELCA World hunger resources for Self-examination and Repentance, Prayer and Fasting, Works of Love and Sacrificial Giving.
Gathering together on Wednesday to work out the actual nuts and bolts process of forgiving someone and some of us helping each other along the way as prayer partners.
Many of us searching our own souls and finding particular areas in our life that need 40 days to clear out and re-create so that it more closely clings to the Gospel and to Jesus Christ our Lord.
Using ELCA World hunger resources for Self-examination and Repentance, Prayer and Fasting, Works of Love and Sacrificial Giving.
Gathering together on Wednesday to work out the actual nuts and bolts process of forgiving someone and some of us helping each other along the way as prayer partners.
Many of us searching our own souls and finding particular areas in our life that need 40 days to clear out and re-create so that it more closely clings to the Gospel and to Jesus Christ our Lord.
In the face
of all these doings, let me say this as plainly as I can: these efforts are to
be taken seriously, seriously enough to fail at them, but they are not to be
taken seriously enough to cause other people to fail. Jesus says our
righteousness must exceed that of the Pharisees and the Scribes, but that is
not a call to self-righteousness or self-satisfaction.
We are to take up our
Lenten Disciplines in such a way that we remain disciples of Christ.
We are to take up our
Lenten Disciplines in such a way that we remain disciples of Christ.
in Christ, give alms, for doing so will connect you to the real and ongoing
needs of the world. Give of your time and your possessions, in so doing you
will find that, despite the stories of our society and the voices in our heads,
there will be enough—in God’s good creation there is enough!
in Christ, do not give of your time and your talent in such a way that you may
brag of your busyness or lord your generosity over another person, being their
patron. Doing so will breed resentment and you will not be listened to.
in Christ, fast, for in so doing you will remember what sustains you—that
everything nourishing for the body is a gift from God. You will become aware of
the body which God has given you. You will also be reminded that many go to bed
hungry, and you will hunger for their fullness.
in Christ, do not fast for show or to become proud of your control over your
body, for it is not your own.
in Christ, pray regularly. Pray for our future and for our greatest needs—they
need to be named and known, or we will go quietly and unthinkingly into a
future that is not only frightening, but uncaring. For that matter, there is a
lot of you inside of you, its good to get it out in the open, express it to God,
God’s shoulders are big enough to bear it.
in Christ, do not pray in order to manipulate or to gossip, do not pray
breathless prayers in the hopes that they take your neighbor’s breath away.
Doing so mocks God and dishonors your neighbor.
in Christ, Seek repentance and forgiveness, your actions and your inner being
are worth taking seriously. So is your neighbors.
in Christ, do not seek repentance and forgiveness for show, or to stir up
controversy, only do so because the image of God is found in the mirror and
right next to you.
Christian friends, recognize the weight of taking on a Lenten discipline. It is
as heavy as Joel’s religious response to a plague of locusts and the famine
that followed, it is as Paul writes becoming reconciled to God.
too the goal of such a discipline, you are being shaped into the Image of
Christ, not into a hypocrite.
We are to take up our Lenten Disciplines in
such a way that we remain disciples of Christ.