Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Smart People, Wise Faith

              Every year I try to do one bible study that is intentionally challenging for my folk, a bible study that will stretch ‘em. This year I did one I call “Smart People, Wise Faith”. I figured I’d share a long form version of it with my readers, as they might want to be stretched in similar ways.

              At base, Smart People, Wise Faith is a smorgasbord of theologians, giving people a taste of 15 different thinkers. I frame each session with a different way of interacting with a bridge (for example crossing or rebuilding) and connect those actions with a scripture or two.

              The whole project is a little convoluted, but with it I’m able to offer a table full of theological tapas, a varied tasting of Christian thinkers. Below is the menu for each session:

1.      CrossingBridges (Preaching)
-Barbara Brown Taylor, Paul Scott Wilson, and Luther

2.      TheDivide (Existentialism and Neo-Orthodoxy)
-Justin Martyr, Tertullian, Tillich, and Barth

3.      Burning Bridges (Post-Modernity)
-Descartes and John Caputo

4.      Bridgingthe Gap (Race)
-Isaac Asimov, Howard Thurman and Cornel West

5.      RebuildingBridges (Theology of Crisis)
-Augustine, Simone Weil and Chris