Sunday, May 22, 2005

I'm preaching next week

I'm preaching on Matthew 7:21-29 next Sunday. Should be interesting, as I need to find the good news in the fact that some who cry out "Lord Lord," will be told by Jesus that "I never knew thee. But those who do the WORKS of the father know me."
I could bust out a sermon against believer baptisms. Still, works... funny enough one of the other texts is Romans 3:22-28, where Paul is all "Works bad." Maybe I'll end up talking about parodoxes... We'll see.


Unknown said...

I did a Bible study on that passage once and I focused on the fact that those whom Christ sends away expected to get in to Heaven for their works, while those who did do his work had no idea they were doing God's work. The works were not the means but an indicator that only Christ could see.

Christopher said...

That's helpful. If anyone else wants to add something I would appriciate it.