Monday, May 19, 2003


1. Female pastors? Need I ask more. I guess I do. What special skills do the female gender add to the ministry in comparison to a male? What about Timothy? What will happen to the Catholic church when it allowed women to become priests?
2. If we are saved by “grace” what need have we of the Law, and how far should we take the law? Do we go kosher?
3. What should a Christian do about “burning” CDs? Is file sharing morally wrong?
4. Why did Peter have to deny Jesus?
5. Will prophecy only come true if the prophet speaks the prophecy?
6. Up until the 17th century the Bible was not taken literally, people accepted some stuff as allegorical. Is that appropriate since JC is the Word of God?
7. Rabbis accept a dual torah, or an oral torah as well as a written one. Other Jewish groups disagree. Is apostolic succession similar to this concept?
8. Is “Love your neighbor as yourself” redundant because of “Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all you’re your strength.” (Mark 12:29-31)?
9. What the heck is really going on with the book of Revelations?
10. How is Jesus present in the Christian church today? (Theory of the book of John)
11. Slavery seems to be condoned in the Bible, in fact if a thief can’t pay for what he has stolen he is to sell himself into slavery. What the hell do we do with that? Do we just chock it up to the context of the times? If we do that then can’t this be a slippery slope? AKA everything exists only in the context of its time, so say the cross isn’t relevant, switch it with the electric chair etc? What about God being King? Should God be president? Hmm?
12. A. God is all powerful B. God is good. As we look around we notice bad things happen. If God is God can God be good? If God is good can God be God?
Hey check out this search engine, they will be putting my site on their website (or so they say)
I have a big midterm on wednesday, but I'll try to Blog again after that.

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