Thursday, February 26, 2004



First things first. I didn’t cry. Everyone else I know cried. Does that make me a monster? The closest I came to crying was when Joseph of Aramathia was ripped away from his daughter to bear Christ’s cross, and I had a near tear percolating in my eye over the inhumanity of the whole ordeal Jesus went through, but nothing came.
The scourging of Christ was intense. When they turned him around to beat the front of him I was sure my heartsurgury scars were going to burst open. As I said intense.
I’m not going to lie, the evilness of the roman soldiers was over the top. They were like those bad guys in Chuck Norris movies, you know the kind “He he, I’m going to put razorblades in the candy supply of the world HAHAHA! I’m EVIL Hahaha.” To me realistic crucifiers would have been much more powerful, then I could have fully put myself into the shoes of the murderers of Christ.
I’m not sure I liked Satan showing up everywhere. Maybe it is just that I’m used to passion plays where special effects can’t be used.
Another complaint I have was the destruction of the temple, I would have left it at the curtains being ripped, that is the image that always sticks in my mind, not the destruction of God’s temple, but the removal of a barrier between God and man.
I really liked the use of Aramaic and Latin, words like Dam, Elochim, Yom, and other Aramaic words that are about the same in the Hebrew. I also caught a bit of Latin, specifically near the end when the Romans were mocking Jesus.
I wondered a little bit about the portrayal of Herod, mostly because it corresponded so closely with Jesus Christ Super Star, right down to some of his servant’s action, hair styles, and even facial expressions.
Those are my initial thoughts.

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