Friday, August 27, 2004

Broken wrist

Well. I hurt my wrist wrestling 2 or 3 weeks ago, but I figured it would get better. Today I went to the doc and it turns out I have a broken Ulna, so now I'm wearing a silly little splint on my right hand. I think I have problems with pain tolerance. Since was born into heart surgeries and the like I figure things don't hurt until they break open my whole chest (every rib, except for 1 they took out when I was young) cavity and twiddle around in my heart. Therefore I don't really think of a lot of things as painful (like my wrist) instead just an irritant.
If anyone feels like praying for my ol' wrist I would appreciate it.

1 comment:

The Terrible Swede said...

Yeah, Chris, my wife and I will pray for you. Could you explain, again, why you had to have heart surgeries? Thanks, Ron.