Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I’m back from Spring Harvest

I spent the last week in Skagness working at a Christian book stand, Wesley Owens, at a Christian event known as Spring Harvest.
Spring Harvest was exhausting, exhilarating, non-liturgical, phony, and deep.
It was exhausting, we worked a full day, and this last day a 10 ½ hour day. Starting midnight last night I stood "security" for a Christian rocker named Chip K. as his Christian-punk fans got stuff signed. As the british would say I’m cream crackered/ shattered/ and nackered.
It was exhilarating. I met a ton of new people who I found really cool. From Peter, a Nigerian who’s invited me to a missions conference in his home country next year, to Mike and Rachel, two Londoners who love America and I could see them one day immigrating to the Carolinas.
It was non-liturgical. Holy week was not a good week to go to Spring Harvest. There were so many hustle/bustle Christian events going on that no one seemed to know it was Easter (let alone Good Friday etc) until I told them. Also the worship was very, very, very evangelical (well, to be fair it was an evangelical event) people holding their hands up high, people talking about Glory, without Cross, redemption without exile. Still, the songs and the atmosphere is quite energizing, and I very worshipful.
It was phony. Somehow evangelicals have a way of cheeping faith and a way of mimicking the culture around them (not that Lutherans don’t, it is just a different type of mimicking). For example there is bible for everyone, the Woman’s Bible, the Man’s Bible, the Extreme Bible, the Slacker Bible, etc. And by and large the only difference is the cover, and a few pages in the front of the Bible. Further the Christian bands seem to all be described as "it’s like X, only Christian." For example, one of the bands that signed CD’s, TBC, was "like the Spice Girls, only Christian."
It was deep. There was a "debate" on the Trinity at one point. Afterwards two members of the audience who had asked anti-trinitarian questions were hanging out outside discussing things. One guy was a Christadelphian, think Baptist that sees the Devil as our evil inclinations and believes the Holy Spirit is simply a) God’s actions and b) Jesus’ spirit. The other guy was an eclectic, believing YHVH was simply a deity among deities, who all work for "El Elyon," the Most High. Most of the other deities drowned in the Flood (Gen. 6. Sons of God etc), YHVH was the only one who made it, and Jesus showed us how we can be without sin, but we are not allowed to explore his other gospels because of Constantine. But in fact he chilled with the Essene and probably went to Asia. As a Religious Studies guy I found his interesting, it was like I had an Essene in front of me, just projected through modern/historical critical eyes… Then that all crumbled away when he started sighting The Davinci Code.
I ended up chilling with the Christadelphian. We discussed our faiths (you see a Lutheran is just as weird sounding as a Christadelphian to the English), and sparred a little. He made some good points about infant baptism, I made some good points about the Holy Spirit (as base he couldn’t explain Pentecost and Paul’s Trinitarian language).
Overall it was a good experience, the only thing I regret is the timing, and that couldn't be helped.


Chris Duckworth said...

The Christadelphian made a good point about infant baptism? I hope that is was something like, "We should do infant baptisms - it is one of the simplest ways to communicate that God's grace comes to us even when we crap our pants, cry and otherwise fail to cooperate with the world."

Judah Gabriel Himango said...

Interesting stuff, Chris.

I've wondered about the Trinity from time to time. Since there is no mention of "trinity" in Scripture, you have to wonder. There certainly is father, son, spirit. Revelations, Daniel, and Isaiah all speak of 7 spirits of God, though, so it may be somewhat limiting to say God is triune.

Anways, interesting stuff.

Happy Biblical New Year and Resurrection Day, by the way. :)

Christopher said...

Na, he cited scripture that we have to repent, then said babies can't repent... although come to think of it his argument seemed to kind of negate original sin.
As for the trinity my view is that the church experienced Father, Son, and Spirit, and yet, being good Jewish-Christian Monothiests simply said "And yet we worship one God."

Judah Gabriel Himango said...

It seems like we don't really understand God. If God is 3, or even more than that, how can we say God is "one"?

What's interesting is, this isn't limited Christianity. We have in the Tenakh (Old Testament) the word "Elohim", which is plural. In Genesis, there's "Let us make man...". Even in the Sh'ma (the daily prayer of Jews, reciting Deut. 6:4), we have "Sh'ma Yisrael YHVH elohaynu YHVH echad" (hear this, Israel, the Lord God, the Lord is One). At first glance in the English, you'd think this is a pretty monotheistic verse. Yet the Hebrew word for "one" (echad) is actually a word meaning a unity.