Friday, March 23, 2007

Philippians 3:4-14

So, I'm trying to write a sermon for this Sunday, it's tough going. Part of this is contemplating that all is shit other than Christ, and also I'm trying to figure out what I believe about the New Perspective issue.
So here is what's come out of my thoughts.

Philippians 3:4b-14

An Old Perspective-

I was a follower of the Law, like those who may come and tempt you to be too. But the comfort I gained through the Law is loss once redeemed by Christ. All works are loss, only believing Christ Jesus to be LORD matters. I realize all the righteousness I stored up was shit; in this realization I gained Christ, righteous by faith alone, not by any works on my part.
Only then, stripped of all self-justifying pretention may I know Christ and live into his life, death, and resurrection.
I’ve fallen short of sanctification, but in Christ I soldier on, carried by him, to sanctification in the next life.

A New Perspective-
If people tell you inclusion in the Kingdom requires outward signs don’t listen to them. I say this as one who has these outward signs… lots of them. These circumcisers might take a lesson from me! In guarding the doors of the Kingdom of God I persecuted citizens of the Kingdom!
All these outward things matter not, because of what Christ did to widen the Kingdom of God. I count everything as loss in comparison to knowing Christ’s full kingdom.
For my radical understanding of inclusively I’ve given up a lot. Yet all that was shit anyway, for I have gained Christ! I have found myself a rightful citizen because of his Lordship over both Jews like myself and Gentiles such as you. We are citizens of the Kingdom because we trust Christ as resurrected King.
Because of this understanding I have I follow him in suffering, death, and perchance in resurrection too.
I’m not conformed to Christ, but attempt such an audacious act because I am a citizen of Christ’s Kingdom.
Fellow citizens, lend me your ears. I say this, press forward to God’s calling to us in Christ Jesus our Lord!


Chris Duckworth said...

I love the passion, the energy . . . a few thoughts.

I'm not sure that I buy the whole "all else is shit" line. It may work for Paul, but not for me. Such a radical labeling of life before (that is, without) Christ as being "shit" can lead to some very dangerous places:

1) If my life is "shit" before I knew Christ, then I deny that God was active in my life before I knew Christ.

2) God is in my life only if I invite God into my life. Hmmm . . . in such a case, my decision for God is more important or meaningful than God's decision for me!

3) Then, logically, God is only active in people or places that claim to "have" Christ - all others (luke-warm Christians, non-Christians, the government, etc.) are "shit."

3b) With Martin Luther, I'm not sure that I trust Christ enough, or in the right way, or sufficiently. How do I know if I'm trusting or believing enough? Ahhhh! All this pressure on me to get it right!!!!!!

4) This results in a theology that puts God in a box - that is, God is only where Christians (or I!) say God is.

I'm not saying that this is where you are going, but I think that such a negative labeling of pre-Christian or non-Christian experience denies the power and presence of God on so many levels - a God who is active in and beyond his faithful people!

And one more thought - be careful not to make a sermon about us, but rather let the sermon proclaim the Good News of God. What does this text (or the other texts for Sunday) reveal to you about how God acts, who God is, what God is about? I see lots of talk in this reflection about you/me/people, but what about God?

(I took a course in seminary called "Speaking of God," and it was an exercise in preaching exclusively about God in rich and vibrant detail. Most (bad) sermons describe human sin or failure or effort or work for 12 minutes - that is, these bad sermons talk about us - and then tack on 2 minutes about God's grace. I think a good sermon can give God at least half the time . . .)

Christopher said...

Thank you thank you thank you LZ. That line, "All else is shit" is driving me nuts.
You are pointing out some of the main problems I have with... well what Paul seems to be saying. What specifically is ol' Paul saying when he talks about life as Shit! What about a theology of Creation? What about... well as I said you point out a lot of the what abouts...
This reflection is trying to re-write Philippians firstly through what many scholars seem to think is an "orthodox" Christian lense, the second is re-writing Philippians 3 through the lense of EP Sanders, NT Wright, Dunn etc. All of this to help me wrap my mind around what Paul is saying. Luckly I've just written the Childern's today. I'll post it in the morning. I figured if I can boil what I feel Paul is saying to the level of Children then I'm getting close to what's up... "And the Children will lead them." "Out of the mouths of babes" etc.
Again thanks for voicing and nuancing the problems of "shit" in such a way that I'd been having trouble wrapping my mind around.