Sunday, February 10, 2008

A wonderful Sonnet

"All Works and all Societies are bad;
The Just shall live by Faith," he cried in dread.
And men and women of the world were glad
Who never trembled in their useful lives.
W. H. Auden
I'm currently reading a few chapters from a book by Marty Martin about a Lutheran understanding of wellness. I ran into this quote. I love it and hate it at the same time. The power and horror of Luther's understanding of our inability to Love God, is contrasted with a general ambivolence that some feel, not having experienced, perhaps thankfully, the same "dread" which pushed Luther to Christ's mercy.

1 comment:

John, an unlikely pastor said...

The dread is the realization that we need God not a little but totally. It's one of the nasty and beautiful things about being Lutheran.
It's nasty because we always have to admit our need for God even when we think we've got the world in order and were the cheese on top.
It's beautiful when you know that God's love matters even if you have fallen into the deepest hole