Saturday, November 23, 2019

Nunes didn't recuse, but should have.

            Last time I had jury duty I was potentially going to be on a jury for a case where a Cardiologist was being sued by the family of a person who died because of what they saw as the doctor’s negligence. I had to disclose if there was any reason I could not be impartial. My heart condition precluded me from participating in the trial.
            It is alleged that Devin Nunes participated in the bribery scandal that he is currently holding impeachment hearings on as the ranking Republican on the intelligence committee. To me that calls his impartiality into question. He ought to have recused himself, just as Jeff Sessions recused himself in the Russia Investigation and Judge Kagan recused herself based on once filing a friend of the court brief on a case that came up to the Supreme Court. I will remind you President Trump insisted Nunes’ fellow Californian, Judge Gonzalo Curielcould not be impartial based on his ethnicity (remember, he was born in Indiana).
            There are a lot of horrible things this administration and its enablers have done. From sending people I know into harms way to face persecution based on their Christian faith to baby jailsencouraging and defending Nazis, and on and on and on. So, this shouldn’t shock me, but the idea that Nunes spent a week up there grilling witnesses to a crime that he may have actively participated in is horrible!
            It would be the equivalent of the Cardiologist in question being on the jury, or even being the judge.

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