Sunday, September 06, 2020

The Law of Hate

          Friends, have you heard about the Law of Hate, the Law of Hate?

         From it spins out all kinds of ills
—betrayal, murder, theft, and greed
—it is on the anvil of hate that every commandment is broken, both tablets smashed to bits. 
It’s upon the anvil of hate that the links in the chain between sin and evil are forged for our imprisonment.

         The Law of Hate has but one goal—dividing neighbor from neighbor, transforming them into unrecognizable enemies.

         The Law of Hate makes no distinction between victim and perpetrator, sinner and the one sinned against
—no notice of the power dynamics at play…

         It starts so simply
—any fault you see, 
no matter how small, 
assume the worst, 
respond immediately and with bombast. 

Don’t go to the person whom it concerns, that might lead to reconciliation
—no, instead publicly humiliate them, 
point out their fault and sin to as many people as possible…

         This will breed conflict… 
whatever you do, don’t back down, 
don’t stop, keep at it. 
There will likely be off-ramps offered, 
an olive branch extended
keep your foot on the gas no matter what!
Push every button, do everything to embarrass and escalate, until you are both bound to hell, 
until not a single word you breath to one another is in agreement, 
truly, if you do so, Christ will never be among us.

That is the Law of Hate.

Let us pray


         I admit, my description of the Law of Hate is rather stark, perhaps even overly dramatic
—I do this not to shock, but to make clear that love matters… 
love especially matters now
—in this particular time.

         In this particular time of Pandemic, we need a law of love that looks out for our neighbors who are most vulnerable and keeps them safe.

         In this particular time of ongoing racial unrest, we need a law of love that, at minimum, blunts the burden and trauma inflicted upon black lives.

…      In this particular time too, God help us… this world…
I have to confess to you all that last week I felt like I fell short for you all
—I didn’t have words for the shadow of partisan street battles and political murders in Portland, Oregon and Kenosha, Wisconsin cast over our Sunday
—truly it is unbelievable
—like something you’d find in Dante’s Florence…
I still don’t know what to say to this particular time, beyond that such things are antithetical to the Law of Love that Paul points to and Christ calls us to embody as a community.

We need a law of love!

         Imagine a world where Love of neighbor is deemed necessary
a world where we truly listen to each other, 
a world where the Lord is present
–that’s who God is making us through his son Jesus Christ.


         Imagine the Biblical witness found from Deuteronomy through the Gospels to Paul and even James the entire law is summed up: “Love God, love neighbor”
—imagine a world where the center of the Law of God is embraced… truly it would be transformative!


         Imagine if we listened with humble ears, and really heard each other. 
Where the goal is to listen, not lie against a neighbor. 
-Imagine if our goal was to protect the vulnerable and redeem the sinner
—redemption, not destruction, the restoration of community, called into community. 
A community where all are safe, and hostility and neutrality are replaced with kindness and care.


         Imagine a world where we govern our lives in such a way that it is clear that the Lord is present,
that we are clothed with him.
That we love each other and in that love Christ is seen! 

-Imagine, living out the Law of Love in these times that seem to be dictated by the Law of Hate! A+A

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