Monday, June 17, 2024

An Attempt at a Hymn/Prayer: Give us eyes to see the Holy


When I ended my review of "Hunting Magic Eels" I wondered aloud if there might be a way to square Luther's explanation of the Lord's Prayer with Beck's insights about perception. Here is a first try, a hymn/prayer.

Hymn: Give us eyes to see the Holy



Amazing God, give us eyes to see the Holy.

Fill us with your awe; teach us to trust.

Keep us steadfast and

Let us perceive your providence.



Marked by your name,

Holy God, may we encounter

Your strangeness in scripture;

May our disciple life, lead to awe.



Teach us, Lord God,

To trust you,

That we might notice

When you reign!



Thwart, O God,

All powers and principalities

That hijack our very selves;

Keep us steadfast in your will.



Father, give us thankful eyes

To see your providence,

That it is good and very good.

In the Triune name. Amen.

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