Sunday, March 05, 2006

Lent Day 4

Tonight there is still a real sense of calling in both these books.
In Matthew we get the essense of Lent, the 40 days in the wilderness, which we'll get later on in Exodus and the other books of Moses.
In Exodus there is the bizzare story of God forcing Moses to be circimcized. This brings my mind to an interesting thought, why didn't Paul use this example (as opposed to Abraham) in Galatians 3 etc? You might say "but Moses' bit was cut off" but look, Moses approached and was called by God before the bit was cut off! A polemical point for Paulian Christianity, yes?
I find it amazing, and actually quite true to human nature, that after God provided Moses with all these miracles he still doesn't think God wil provide. He still looks at his weakness, the weakness of his tongue.

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