Friday, December 03, 2004

A very weird morning/end of the term

Turns out I set my alarm clock for 6:45 PM, not AM, so I ended waking at 9:16, class had started at 9:00. I threw clothing on and headed out, rushing through the graveyard between the house and campus. Then I meet this drunk/confused/scared Freshman girl who couldn't find campus (last night was Thirsty Thursday at the Frats). I slowed up and led her to the Erb Memorial Union and then finally got to class at 9:40, had 15 minutes of Jacksonian History then got to the KIDD creative writing program class. Not a fun class today, I was hungry, unshowered, bookless, and did I mention hungry. The class was pretty banal, the English majors argued about various thing, none of them having to do with the stuff we read for class, they were all very elitist, which made me feel sad. It made me think of the Republican attack on the Clinton years, "so much potential, but to what end?"

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