Saturday, January 05, 2008

Mitt wins Wyoming

Also, in response to this.
When I say McCain pandered to the base I mean he used to call folk like Falwell agents of intolerance, now he gets honorary degrees from them. He talks up the Hometouch (I think that’s the term for illegals needing to go back home before they receive amnesty) aspect of immigration reform even though he was against it. In short you wonder if he’s being pragmatic to the point of pandering.
Why Obama over others (eg McCain/Hillary)? I think McCain could reunite the country fairly well, but I don’t think he’d regain respect for America from those abroad the way Obama will. Hillary would likely be able to renew our respect abroad, as at least in Europe the Clinton name is still ogled at, but I don’t think she’d unite the country, instead there would be a continuation of the so called “culture war” in a much bigger way than there would be under an Obama president (because to be frank I think for all her centerist talk she sorta wants revenge on the “vast rightwing conspiracy.”)

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